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Wild-Harvested, Raw Sea Moss Gel

Wild-Harvested, Raw Sea Moss Gel

PriceFrom $19.00


16oz jar | 32oz jar


Sea moss provides vital essential minerals.


This nutrient-rich moss helps to dissolve inflammation and phlegm in mucus membranes, is high in iodine and selenium, both of which are essential for a healthy, balanced thyroid function, is a rich vegan source of omega-3 fatty acids which is key in reducing inflammation, helps improve mental function and heart health, is good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are essential for good digestion and gut health. 


Sea moss also helps to rebuild damaged, undernourished skin from a cellular level, contains potassium iodide, potassium bromide, natural carrageenan, and sulfurs, all of which all assist in hydrating joint cartilage for healthy joint support and is a bone-health superfood. Sea moss is also high in zinc, vitamin E, and folate which helps the body produce healthy sperm.  


Great for overall digestive and lymphatic support.


Safe for pregnant or nursing woman before, during and after pregnancy.



Shelf Life: Each jar is prepared the day of shipping. Use within 2-3 weeks from the day of preparation for optimal benefits. For extended life, pour sea moss gel into ice cube tray, freeze, then place into a freezer-safe container. Freezing sea moss gel will extend its life for up to 6 months.


Add to your favorite shake, 1-3 times per day. 


NOTE: Seamoss gel is made fresh to order and is a perishable item.  MUST BE REFRIGERATED upon arrival.


Orders including sea moss gel shipping to an address outside the state of Florida, ship Monday thru Wednesday, 24-48 hours after purchase. Orders shipping within the state of Florida, ship Monday thru Thursday, 24-48 hours after purchase. 



Sea moss sourced from St. Lucia.

Raw, never cooked to maintain vitality of plant.

  • raw, wild-harvested sea moss, lime + distilled water

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