Gout/Arthritis-Relief Tincture
2oz bottle w/ dropper
about 60 dropperfuls
Formulated to help ease the pain of acute gout attacks, while also supporting liver and kidney function and raising pH to help with chronic gout.
Can also be used once or twice a week for prevention.
NOTE:Alcohol can aggravate gout, you will want to evaporate off the ethanol before consuming by adding the dosage into warm water, not boiling, but hot.
In addition, an important chemical reaction is produced when this blend is heated, making it more effective.
It it pertinent that you consume plenty of water over the next several hours, after taking this tincture.
Made with 100% organic ingredients, unless otherwise mentioned in Formula tab.
birch bark, nettle leaf, devil's claw root, pipsissewa leaf (wild-crafted), lobelia leaf + gluten-free vodka