One of the easiest ways to improve daily nutrient intake and overall health is by implementing superfoods into your meals.
Sea moss is a great superfood. It offers a plethora of benefits (see below) and is easy to include into smoothies, soups, dressings desserts and more!
Check out our “Pink Drink” smoothie recipe below!

2 tbsps Wild-Harvested, Raw Sea Moss Gel
½ cup frozen pitaya (dragonfruit)
½ tbsp maca root powder
1 cup milk (of choice)
1 frozen banana
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Top with cinnamon (optional)
Sea moss benefits:
Nutrient rich
Helps reduce inflammation + phlegm
Contains a rich (vegan) source of omega-3 fatty acids
Helps rebuild damaged, undernourished skin from a cellular level
High in iodine and selenium, both of which are essential for a healthy, balanced thyroid function
Is good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are essential for good digestion and gut health
Contains potassium iodide, potassium bromide, natural carrageenan, and sulfurs, all of which assist in hydrating joint cartilage for healthy joint support
Is a bone-health superfood
High in zinc, vitamin E, and folate which helps the body produce healthy sperm
Safe for pregnant or nursing woman before, during and after pregnancy
And more!